Monday, July 13, 2009

Am I crazy?

So for a living I drive....back and forth in the Rockies....we all know that.

I have rambled of how the Vistas can continually change blah blah blah....

I look at myself as being a semi retired Air Force/Government geek with a hobby that pays well.

So why am I looking to by an RV. You would think I would have had enough of the road but no.....

Here is the issue though...I am certain there are many pro's and con's to the purchase of a unit but I have no idea where to start. We used to do a CBA, Cost Benefit Analysis to determine if a venture or project would be cost effective and give the desired result.

This applies to all things in life but not sure where to if there are any readers that have some thoughts comment away.

Last week was decent but I felt behind the eight ball for much of it. Our yard is located on River Road which is accessible from the North and South. My wife took me to the truck at about 1500 and as luck would have it the road was closed in both directions so back home I went for about 3 hours....finally got to the yard, got the beast and off to the client I went. All in all I started my run a total of 5 hours late which in itself is not terrible but the kicker is that I had not slept during the day....stupid.

Anyway the run that I am on does not leave much time to adjust through the week so that late start haunted me throughout the week.....wha....

Very few animal sightings this week...I suppose as the summer progresses the animals stay on higher ground. Probably cooler. Well that my theory anyway.

I did see a black bear walking on an access road by the Coquihalla near some campers. What makes people want to be so close to bears is beyond me. I will take the RV :)

Encountered a number of slow moving tourists this seems as the weeks move on the tourists get stupider if that is a word. They have a tendency to blow by me as I climb some serious grades pulling 56,000 lbs of Chicken McNuggets and then as I come down the other side they slow to 80 K or so.....They don't realize that I am slow on the up hill but can go like a SOB on the down side. Damn RV ers....can't wait to get one and piss of the truckers hee hee.

So I am home for a couple of days then off again Tuesday....just two runs then home again....gotta love this run. Off I go to research RV's


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