Thursday, December 3, 2009


Main Entry: mne·mon·ics
Pronunciation: \ni-ˈ-niks\
Function: noun plural but singular in construction
Date: circa 1721

: a technique of improving the memory

I have used mnemonics for years as my memory is not always at it's best.

Over the years I have used it to remember everything from IEEE 802.xx standards to the OSI model for protocol stacks to the order you should circle check your vehicle. What ever. I came up with a new one this week. BRAG...

I have a habit of blaming when something goes wrong. Even if it is my fault I always have assigned blame to someone other than me. It is comforting to know that even at the age of 52 I am still growing personally.

This week I hooked a load in Calgary, did a proper check of the trailer and headed to the Road Ranger truck stop for a cup of coffee. When I arrived back at my truck I could hear an air leak...yes air leak. I did a quick check and noted the that airbag for my cab suspension had a small hole worn in the side of it.

I proceeded back to the yard and dropped my trailer and headed to Penske for repair. Lost only and hour or so but it was snowing bad so headed to bed. When I awoke I headed over to grab my load...hooked and off I went. It wasn't until 500 miles later that I realized I had the wrong trailer.....doh!!!

I had grabbed an empty trailer by load was also very light so I did not notice the difference. I proceeded, once I spoke to dispatch, to lay blame on everything from night time to snowy to sore back to tired. It cost me my trip pay but could have been much worse.

So BRAG, Blame whatever or whoever, Reassess the situation, Accept it is YOU that messed up and Get on with your day. I was very upset and unloaded on dispatch....why I don't know but by end of day I was able to joke about it. I guess my reasoning skills are slow to develop.

All in all it was a decent week. Weather was great, good moon, dry roads...I am easy to please believe me.

So now the joke is that all trailers in the Calgary yard must be washed so I can see the number....ha ha, also that Penske trucks as so low powered that we are only assigned empties....ha ha they are endless. I guess my point to all this rant is that look in the mirror before you lay blame...odds are if you step back and are the culprit.
