Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where's Al Now?

Well I suppose I will need to alter the name of the blog to "Here I am" and this is where I choose to be and where I will stay.

A couple of years ago as an IT Project Manager, I began to burn out and long for the past life of open road, zen moments and the ability to breath. So armed with this thought I convinced myself that for my sanity it was time for me to move on, leave IT and people behind and go back into the trucking industry.

The blog was started to allow family and friends and now esteemed colleagues to view what changes and experiences I was encountering as I made the transition. Good or bad I have shared what ever I was up against or experiencing. I don't have a writing style per say, but have found when giving a brain dump over a period of time I uncover little nuggets and lessons learned.

So, what happened. Well, for a number of reasons I began to miss the technology aspect of life, I missed, as a PM, the chance to be working with great teams on unreasonable deliverables and deadlines, I missed the feeling of accomplishment, of being the cook and, let's be honest, I missed the financial benefits of IT.

For those who have known me I am a fairly gregarious sort and that said, I had begun to question my decision to go on the road. If I am missing all the aforementioned, why not go back to it? It is not an easy transition back, technology waits for no man (woman). Once you step back it is very difficult to jump right back in. All that aside I have done just that. I have taken 2+ years of solitary thought and with the help of many jumped back in.

I have landed a position in Vancouver that has allowed me to enjoy a number of benefits. It has allowed me to become energized, renewed my focus and gain clarity in my life. I have said in many of my entries how fortunate I am. Well here I go again.....I have had a very fortunate last three or so months.

From finding my path back to writing off a semi, tractor, trailer and load without serious injury to myself but more importantly to anyone else. There has been a number of circumstances that would really set a person back however with massive support I made it through.

So the blog will continue, it will change somewhat as my "truckin' "stories will subside but life is full of interesting experiences to discuss and learn from. The question of "Where's Al now?" has been solved....I am certain the IT world will be saying....."Oye, when will he leave again?"

Not soon.