Well I am in the middle of my trip and had some time on my hands so thought I would post.
This is actually one of my longer trips out with HR and really not by choice. I still like to reset back home in White Rock every 8 days but was too late booking it off. No biggy I will be home Sat or Sun then off for a couple of days.
I started my blog for my friends and family to have some understanding of what I was up too and to see some of the road through my eyes. I have been becoming concerned that as I read other blogs that some are misconstrued as slamming HR or the industry in general. I at times complain about wait times etc but some are my own doing.
My message is plain and simple: If you do not like where you are employed, move on, life is too short to be miserable.
I have chosen HR and really can't say much bad about them. I have day to day issues but who doesn't (refer to my plain message).
So, enough said. Here I sit and wait for my load in Schuyler Nebraska. This wait is probably more my fault than anyone else. I am not a good tourist and being from this side of the pond one corn field looks just like the other one.
When I have miles to run I bust my ass to get there, even if it is early. This week I pay the price as I am early for my reload. This is my MO in this industry and perhaps I need to relax but I probably won't.
My load is ready but the vets need to sign off that the poor bovine died with dignity. Gross but whatever. Then it is across NE, WY, MT, WA up to Delta.
Well will post more later.
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