Sunday, July 5, 2009


Although it may appear that I have stopped blogging, the fact is that I find I am not that interesting of a read.

I am feeling like a bad Catholic that has not been to confession in some time. So here goes.

Bless me readers as it has been 3 months since my last blog entry. During that time I have......

-started a dedicated run between Richmond BC and Calgary AB, and on occasion Red Deer, AB. Although it is not glamorous it serves my family and I well. I run twice weekly and alternate between a Monday Wednesday run and a Tuesday Thursday run.

I think what I like best is that it is predictable and allows me to have a two day weekend one week and a four day weekend the next. I run about 2500 miles per week and work four days a week to get it. Sounds like a cake walk but you max out your hours pretty quick as each load eastbound has 2-3 drops per load.

I have to say that HR has treated my family and I very well in that when I need to alter my running pattern they did their best to accommodate. Of course this may not always the run I am on but for now I will enjoy it and stick to the Rockies.

The Rockies always throws you a new view each trip whether it is wildlife or moon phase or lighting and valley mist you are never bored. In fact I think it really allows you to focus on just how awesome Mother Nature is and how lucky we are to be able to enjoy it.

Just last trip eastbound I was able to see two huge elk with racks 3-4 feet across easily and a rare sighting of two grizzly bears in Banff. It was if they were posing for photos. On the way back west more bear and deer.

As usual there is the usual suspects at Golden and the sheep hang out on the roadside. Another sight to see is the mountain goats, all white and long hair....only at night so far so pics where not possible. I like them and the elk because they are not skittish like the deer. Deer will bolt out without warning whereas the others could care less about you and your truck.

All this gets old to the reader I had assumed but I had a great surprise two weeks ago. A reader had asked if this was the Al Urquhart that truly understood what MCSE stood for. And I of course said Must Consult Someone Else. It was his way of confirming my identity and getting me to think whom I was talking with.

As it turns out after many email exchanges it was a former student from Iceland who had commented he had seen the blog and figured I was doing alright.....that got me thinking I should update as there are people actually reading this dribble.

I saw a comment today that asked....did you stop blogging? So here I sit blogging.....not the most interesting but whatever. I had originally started this so people could see the transition from a project manager stressed beyond belief back to a trucker. I guess the transition never really ends.....

Next week I will try and provide some interesting photos from my adventure....yes it is still and adventure.



Spydergrrl said...

Nice to have you back... I was wondering where you went? :)

Al said...

been here but I really don't find my musings very interesting....dunnno. I guess I will keep it updated. I bet you are my only reader. Tks T

Mick Flynn Images said...

Erm, no, not the only one, but if you want readers, you need to link to other like minded people...or not!

Al said...

ah good to the blogging world....makes sense though...thks for the tip. al