Saturday, November 7, 2009

Decent Week

After a few weeks of pain, last week renewed my passion for the rocks. Great roads, great full moon and a tractor that was humming along as good as it ever has.

Did my 2500 miles and home in no time. The moon was so bright that I was able to snap a couple of pics passing through Rogers Pass with my phone at night....a bit blurry but I thought it was cool.

Although beautiful the passes can bite you pretty quick if not careful....the cold comes on quick and can make the roads pretty slick. Fog begins to ice quickly as a one driver found out this week. When I passed the scene his trailer was keeping him from going down a steep cliff by one axle....not fun in my books.

What I do enjoy is coming home to this every week. Even after a decent week in the rocks. Simple pleasure like feeding the ducks on the bay....although overtaken by seagulls was great therapy.

We also took the time to get some pumpkin carving done....somewhat less that other years but Jess, our daughter, keeps the spirit alive and well.

Even ran with a couple of Brits this week one I had never met and one that was an old acquaintance. Had great discussion with both and started to gain a bit of an understanding where some of the other blogs are speaking from. I can't relate to the issues and will leave it at that.

So not much to report. Off again tomorrow probably Red Deer AB.


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