Week 5 Random thoughts from the road.
Well this week i learn a huge amount.
First off i have learned that each state has their very own pressure point.
For example, some states you are asked to be aware of poachers, others you are asked to be aware of litterers and some asked to watch for wild fires while others focus on impaired and in each case you are encouraged to dial * something or # something from your cell phone. What i find amazing is that you can be a drunk poacher throwing beer cans and cigs out the window but if you are shooting out of your vehicle you are in trouble in Nevada. That is right all is fair but dont get caught shooting out of your vehicle.
Seriously though I am having a decent week. I am delivering in Tracy CA on Monday and the fact I am here Saturday allows me to reset my hours, run my ass off next week and be home for end of Nov. While I am at it I need to give a thanks to Holiday Inn Express...not like they read my blog but they are deserving.
As some of you know I am extremely cheap and feel in keeping green, rather than buying internet connectivity choose to piggy back on someone else's. Well I could not find any with the iPhone so i figured i would walk the streets of Tracy with my laptop, skulking around all of the hotels to see if I could sniff out a signal.
I was chased of the Motel6 property, seriously, a short little Hispanic dude chased me off the property. Dejected I spotted a Holiday Inn Express a block away. I went and stood in the shadows but was uncomfortable being eyed by the patrons. I went in and explained that I just want to check my email and the truck stop across the way had no connectivity, etc and they were happy to oblige. Yay for Holiday Inn.
Although the week is ok i am sitting watching the news and it is unsettling. I guess the thing that bothers me is that 2 dead in Sacramento, and up the road a couple of miles 5 dead after a shooter has his way in Stockton and he is still at large....perhaps a Nevada resident....joking aside.........this is sad and this lot I am parked in is not very comforting.
Oh yeah 45 years ago I was having a tooth puilled and my brother slammed the car door on my thumb......bastard. That comment is in ref to where I was when Kennedy got shot....
Well, the week is young, plenty of time to write more.
Thank goodness for NFL on Sunday, i will clean the truck and watch football till I drop.
Last night Lot Lizards abound. Small lot holds about 40 trucks and many lot lizards. Again I feel bad for these kids, yeah kids. Late teens at best wired on what ever they could get hold of. Don't worry I am not adopting them I just a sap.
Ok truck cleaning begins....now. So i got side tracked and chose not to clean the truck and went for a walk instead. 16 degrees C and sunshine today. The truck can wait.
I made it back to White Rock on Thursday afternoon. I keeping with the "I learn" theme the one lesson I learned is that it does not pay you to reset on the road unless you plan on running for weeks. I busted my ass to get to Tracy, CA. sat for 34 hours to reset in the hope of running hard this week.
Well I did reset however I waited most of Monday to be dispatched to LA then waited most of Tuesday to get loaded. I wanted to be home this weekend and I suppose I got what I wanted.
Anyway, no more reseting on the road unless I am hooked to a load.
Nothing exciting happened on the way, 77 degrees in LA when I left, 40 degrees in White Rock when I arrived.
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